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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (PREFERRED), RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed at the end of the paper.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

Page Charges

Page charges for publication are currently $50.00 CDN per page.

Instructions to Authors

For abbreviated instructions on preparing a manuscript for submission to Alces, consult the inside front cover of a recent issue of the journal.

For detailed instructions, consult examples in recent issues of Alces and follow the "Manuscript Guidelines for Contributors to Alces", by Rodgers et al. 1998 (Alces, Vol. 34). You can also obtain a .pdf version of the Manuscript Guidelines by clicking on the above link. Recent Revisions to the Manuscript Guidelines are provided below. Authors should also review the Checklist of Common Errors in Manuscripts submitted to Alces, which is also provided below and as a printable pdf file.

Prior to submission, authors, especially those for whom English is a second language, are strongly urged to have their manuscript "peer-edited" by a colleague to improve grammar and reduce the number of simple errors. Authors will be held responsible for making substantial changes to manuscripts.

Manuscripts submitted for review should be laid out as described by Rodgers et al. (1998). All text and tables must be double-spaced and left-justified. To submit a manuscript electronically, you must first register as a user of the Alces website. Put all parts of the manuscript (text, tables, figures, etc.) in a single IBM-compatible file (Word, WordPerfect, or PDF format) and submit it, as an attachment.

If it is necessary to submit hard copies, put all parts of the manuscript (text, tables, figures, etc.) in a single IBM-compatible file (Word, WordPerfect, or PDF format) and send it, as an attachment, to the Submissions Editor, Roy Rea.  Four (4) copies of the manuscript must be provided for the review process.

Text must be provided in an IBM-compatible format (Word or WordPerfect). A graphic artist will format all manuscripts into the double column layout as seen in the journal.

Tables should be numbered and presented on separate pages. Titles and all parts of tables must be typed double-spaced. Tables must be constructed to fit the width of the page (21.5 cm), leaving 2.5-cm margins on all sides (i.e., 16.5 cm wide). Table columns must be generated with tab settings or a table editor - do not use the space bar. Table titles should be concise. The layout of tables should resemble those in recent issues of Alces.

Figure captions should be typed on a separate page. Identify the corresponding illustrations by typing the author's name and figure number on each page.

For final production, each illustration (either a photograph or line-drawn figure), must be of professional graphics quality and reduced to fit into the area of either 1 (67 mm) or 2 (138 mm) columns of text by the author(s). Figures that can be reduced to single-column width are preferred. Seldom should there be a reason to consume a whole page for one figure (maximum length 190 mm).

Letters and numbers on reduced line-drawn figures must remain legible and be no less than 1.5 mm high after reduction. The same size and font of lettering should be used for all figures in the manuscript. Use a sans serif font (e.g., Arial) for all lettering.

Computer-generated graphics are acceptable as long as they conform to the above requirements with respect to size and legibility following reduction. Some may be judged unsuitable and originals may have to be prepared using traditional graphic art techniques.

Photographs must be of high contrast. Photographs or line-drawn figures may be submitted as electronically scanned images with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi. Scanned images must also conform with the above requirements with respect to size and legibility following reduction. For final production, authors should provide the original bitmap images (preferably as Tagged Image File Format files - .tif) in an IBM-compatible format.

Please read instructions to authors carefully so that the preparation of your manuscript for printing can proceed as quickly as possible.

Revisions to the Manuscript Guidelines for Contributors to Alces

  • For all References, spell out the names of books, proceedings and journals in full.

  • Eliminate the use of all other abbreviations in the References section except for M.Sc., Ph.D., Inc., Ltd., U.S., U.S.A., D.C., and U.K.

  • Do not provide the total page numbers of books, theses, or government publications in the References section.

  • Use large and small capital letters for author(s) names in the References section (e.g., KARNS, P.D., and V. CRICHTON).

  • Where there are two (2) authors of a paper cited in the References section, follow the first author's initials with a comma (see example above).

  • If e-mail addresses are provided, include them with the affiliation and mailing address of authors following the title on the first page.

  • If not the first author, indicate the corresponding author in a footnote on the first page.

  • Do not italicize "et al.", "unpublished data", "personal communication", or "in press" when citing sources in the text.

  • Do not use an apostrophe for plural dates (e.g., use 1970s instead of 1970's) or with acronyms (e.g., use ANOVAs instead of ANOVA's).

  • When citing websites in the References, provide the month and year the website was last accessed by the author(s); e.g., Accessed June 2007.

Checklist of Common Errors in Manuscripts Submitted toAlces

  • For all References, spell out the names of books, proceedings, and journals in full – DO NOT ABBREVIATE.

  • References should be in alphabetical order regardless of the number of multiple authors (i.e., use the surname of the first author, then the surname of the second author, then the surname of the third author, and so on) – for multiple citations with the same authors, the sequence is chronological.

  • Surnames of authors in the References section should be given in LARGE and SMALL capital letters (in Microsoft Word Choose Format>Font, then check the box next to Small caps in the Effects section of the dialogue box).

  • Where there are two (2) authors of a paper cited in the References section, follow the first author's initials with a comma (e.g., KARNS, P.D., and V. CRICHTON).

  • Do not provide the total number of pages for books, theses, or government reports in the References section.

  • Provide the publisher and place of publication (city and country) for all books theses, and government reports in the References section.

  • Authors must ensure that all published literature cited in the text has a corresponding citation with the same year of publication in the References section and that all references listed have been cited in the text.

  • Do not italicize "et al.", "unpublished data", "personal communication", or "in press" when citing sources in the text.

  • All conjunctions (and, or) in a series of 3 or more items should be preceded by a comma (e.g., calves, cows, and bulls), both in the text and in the References section.

  • Standard abbreviations should be followed by commas (i.e., and e.g.,).

  • Table columns must be generated with tab settings or a table editor – do not use the space bar. ONLY horizontal lines should be used in Tables. The layout of tables should resemble those in recent issues of Alces.

  • More than 3 colours or shades of gray used for maps and bar graphs may not be clearly differentiated when printed in black and white – solids (black or white) and patterns (stippling, crosshatching) are better.

  • A common font such as Times Roman should be used for ALL text and tables and a sans serif font such as Arial should be used in figures - the same font should be used for ALL figures.

Send all NEW manuscripts to:

Roy Rea, Submissions Editor
Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute
University of Northern British Columbia
3333 University Way
Prince George, British Columbia
Canada V2N 4Z9

Telephone: (250) 960-5833

FAX: (250) 960-5538


Peter Pekins
Department of Natural Resources
University of New Hampshire
56 College Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824-3589

(603) 862-1017

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.